Sunday, September 30, 2007

Hunt Summary: MI.

Three Fenix Fire fighters cleared Melabrion's Isle without the assistance of healers. A large number of SAS were in the passes and we cleared them all without needing a heal. We grow stronger and have developed good team work. They kind of team work where we each have a role and fill it without guidance from the others.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Hunt Summary: MI, AI, KI.

Fenix Fire and guests hunted Melabrion's, Ash, and Kizmia's Isle today. Present members are in the sketch above with the healer guest, Talin. For KI Cove two more guests joined us, Groniad Diuberr and Arbitur. The total hunt was successful and productive.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Snape Shot: Han

Han is one of Fenix Fire's skilled healers. He is unique among the Thoom population for being a vegetarian. He is a 3rd circle healer and aspires to pass the 4th circle test very soon. He can often be seen wearing his fashionable clothes.

Currently Training: Higgrus.

Favorit Hunting Location: N/A

Favorite Animal to Kill: N/A

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Fastest Ranking Clan.

A major benefit of being in Fenix Fire is a steady stream of clan experience. There is always at least one member on everyday. Most of the time there are two to five of us hunting.

Before we formed the clan, clan experience was not something that we realized would benefit us. Now, it is a major strength of Fenix Fire. We are currently the fastest ranking clan.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Snap Shot: Bach.

Bach is a 5th circle fighter. He has recently joined the Rangerhood and is the most experienced of the clan members. He is known for his heavy and devastating blows. His tattoo reads: Darkus expert.

Currently Training: Histia.

Favorite Hunting Location: Melabrion's Isle.

Favorite Animal of Kill: Young Sasquatch.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Bach has become a Ranger. Gremlins has become a Ranger. Eden has passed the 4th circle fighter test.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Snap Shot: Eden.

Eden is a third circle fighter and a "warrior thoom." She aspires to become a vanilla fighter and looks forward to training heavy Evus.

Currently Training: Detha (Mujin-kun).

Favorite Hunting Location: Sasquatch Valley.

Favorite Animal to Kill: Young Sasquatch.